Misadventures of a Misfit is the online portfolio of Fashion Student D’Onna L. Stubblefield.

Yea. That's her.

Yea. That's her.

D’Onna is a 20 something blogger and freelance writer currently stranded in Pittsburgh PA. Currently in a state of what she likes to call ‘writers limbo’, as of this moment she is working towards a Bachelors degree in Fashion, working odd jobs to pay for her shoe addiction, and writing for online based magazine M.I.S.S. Omni Media, where she effortlessly juggles stalking Barack Obama and several other world leaders for ‘The World According to M.I.S.S.’ a weekly current events column while also tending to her written work about fashion, art, and life.

In addition to her commentary on M.I.S.S. you can also find D’Onna in her work as the fashion and art blogger for Pittsburgh based JENESIS Magazine where she blogs about all the expensive things she cannot afford but dreams of one day attaining, and her personal blog appropriately titled ‘The Diary of a Broke College Student’ which is loaded with her daily musings, things she often makes fun of, and of course her fashion addictions the economy just won’t  allow her to buy.

Hard working, driven, and dividing her time between school, work, and writing, are what make D’Onna tick like a clock in heat. Read, leave comments, give advice, and enjoy your time here.  Seeing as the economy is a little down, Internship/Job Opportunities are welcomed with open arms. The posts are pieces that have been written by D’Onna and can be found on the websites/blogs below.

And since I hate writing in the third person: “See you at the top”

JENESIS Magazine
M.I.S.S. Crew
The Diary of a Broke College Student

If you have any questions, you can contact me at dlsdivine4@gmail.com

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